Saturday, September 25, 2010

I'm a mac. But that's beside the point.

So I was blogging (well, trying to, anyway) when my cat starts MEOWING. She won't stop, because she really wants my attention, and she wants me to pet her.
So, I decide I better just pet her to make her happy so she'll be quiet. So, I put down my laptop and lean over, then i realize she's about five inches out of my reach. I start saying "here kitty... here kitty kitty... come here..." but she just stares at me like Me? Move? Yea right. I'm the cat. Your the human. Now, get up off your lazy butt and pet me.

So, I eventually get up, put down my blogging, and pet my cat. When I pet her she purrs for almost 3 seconds, then gets up and walks away. So much for that.

On a completely unrelated note...


end of discussion.

(Yes friends, there is such a thing as Vegetarian enchiladas. Google it.)

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