Saturday, September 18, 2010

Gimme a stick, man.

At school we're not allowed to chew gum, because people end up sticking it under desks and chairs and spitting it on the ground for poor little 6th graders to get stuck in.

(Yes, I imagine all sixth graders to be small and have pigtails that their mom probably did for them. Especially on the first day of school.)

Some teachers are cool and let you chew gum, as long as they don't "See it, or hear it." and if you tell another teacher or the principal that your teacher let you have gum, the teacher denies it.

But in most cases, the teachers yell at you and send you to the office if they see gum in your mouth. So when you chew gum, you have to be careful. I imagine it's almost like dealing drugs.

And if by some horrible luck you DO get caught, there's only one chance for you. You must swallow it.

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