Sunday, September 19, 2010


So, in history we are learning lots and lots of things. For example, this year we are covering world war 1 and 2. World war two has the Holocaust, which is probably one of my favorite things to learn about. Not just because I'm Jewish, but because there is so much good literature and stuff written about it, and its super interesting. But as of right now, we are learning about "Early Explorers."

If it's not beyond obvious, this is a SUPER BORING subject.

I don't see how this will ever help us in life. For example, If I were to be in a burning building, and I suddenly yelled out "COLUMBUS SAILED OVER TO AMERICA IN 1492!" I would probably inhale a lot of smoke and die. But if I used some other helpful subject like Science to figure out that water puts out fire, or Math to calculate if I could make it if I jumped out of the window to safety, or English so that I could read the sign that said "Fire Escape" or PE to run out of the building, etc. I cannot see a time i would ever need history, except if I became a history teacher, or a historian. I do not think I will be either of those, though.

Science may help me in a burning building, but I don't really care about the moon and stars and stuff, which is what we're learning about right now. Although my science class is kinda fun.




Even better, my lab partner has a British Accent, so when he gets mad at me for messing up his experiments, he gets mad IN A BRITISH ACCENT.

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