Saturday, September 25, 2010

Being positive pays off

Well, good things happen to positive people. Because today I was trying to find some jeans to wear and i decided to re-wear these shorts even though they had been in the hamper, and when I put them on and I felt something in the pocket and guess what it was? SIX DOLLARS!

That's right. Be positive. Good things will happen in your shorts. (THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID!)

On another not so fantastically enthusiasticness worthy note, my neighbors are annoying me yet again.

They were blasting music through their speakers. Their speakers were on their driveway. The speakers are pointed at my house. First they were playing rap music, and then they were playing country. When will this end?!?! (Hopefully it ends before I end up in therapy from this music.)

They're house is a rental so they could move away any day. Hopefully that day is tomorrow.

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