Saturday, September 25, 2010

The ultimate plan.

So, my dad read my post about Physical Education, and how I am bad at sports. He told me about how if a ball was coming at him, he would cover his head, and that way he would never get hit. He also told me he got picked last a lot.

So, I told him my strategy for being good at softball.

See, when we train for softball, we play a game called over the line. There are two lines and the person batting tries to hit the ball over the line to get points. There are two outfielders, one stands on the line blocking the one point zone, and the other stands in the line blocking the two point zone.

So, here's my brilliant strategy:

Most people want to be at the two point line because then if the ball comes really fast the person at the one point line gets hit, not them. So, my team-mate always "calls dibs" on the two point line. but I've realized, that if I use all the skills I posses (which are few, I assure you) I can win at this game.

See? Because the people at bat always nail the people at the one point line, and the people at the one point are expected to catch the ball (which I am incapable of). So, If I jump out of the way at just the right time, the person behind me gets hit, and I am safe.

What future?

Future is a fun word to spell because it has two U's in it. but that's beside the point.

The point is we are supposed to start thinking about college and our futures. I would really like to go to UCLA, because of it's film school. During the summers I would intern at places that shot movies and worked with film. I would make friends and people would realize how awesome I am at film, and then I would have lots of job opertunities when I left college.

Although, in case that dream doesn't happen I would also like to master in Psychology, writing and literature, or visual preforming arts. In case I can't do that either, I would want to work at the grocery store. And, if that doesn't work out, I'll be a hobo.
But, if being a hobo doesn't work, I GUESS I could comprimise my self-worth and go work at McDonalds. Imagine me, being around all the meat. Hideous.
Don't get me wrong, I used to go to Micky D's a lot when I was younger because the toys were awesome, but now that I've become a vegetarian and they don't have ANYTHING for vegetarians there. Nothing.
And they have no enchiladas. What a joke of a restaurant.

I'm a mac. But that's beside the point.

So I was blogging (well, trying to, anyway) when my cat starts MEOWING. She won't stop, because she really wants my attention, and she wants me to pet her.
So, I decide I better just pet her to make her happy so she'll be quiet. So, I put down my laptop and lean over, then i realize she's about five inches out of my reach. I start saying "here kitty... here kitty kitty... come here..." but she just stares at me like Me? Move? Yea right. I'm the cat. Your the human. Now, get up off your lazy butt and pet me.

So, I eventually get up, put down my blogging, and pet my cat. When I pet her she purrs for almost 3 seconds, then gets up and walks away. So much for that.

On a completely unrelated note...


end of discussion.

(Yes friends, there is such a thing as Vegetarian enchiladas. Google it.)

Being positive pays off

Well, good things happen to positive people. Because today I was trying to find some jeans to wear and i decided to re-wear these shorts even though they had been in the hamper, and when I put them on and I felt something in the pocket and guess what it was? SIX DOLLARS!

That's right. Be positive. Good things will happen in your shorts. (THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID!)

On another not so fantastically enthusiasticness worthy note, my neighbors are annoying me yet again.

They were blasting music through their speakers. Their speakers were on their driveway. The speakers are pointed at my house. First they were playing rap music, and then they were playing country. When will this end?!?! (Hopefully it ends before I end up in therapy from this music.)

They're house is a rental so they could move away any day. Hopefully that day is tomorrow.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Thanks for making my day

Being positive is very good for you, so today I am going to be positive.

I like it when the person who always thinks they're so good at a game, misses.

I like it when tall girls and short boys date.

I like it when my yogurt separates and I get to stir it up, myself.

I like it when my neighbors fall off their bike while trying to go up ramps.

I like it when people say something awkward and don't realize it for like, 2 seconds.

I like it when everyone dances, and the people who are "Too cool to care" look like losers for not dancing.

I like it when my favorite song comes on the radio. On that note, I like it when I sing along to something, and someone tells me my singing sounds good. I sing the ABC's to one of the kids I babysit, and she always claps and says to sing more.
I like it when my grammar teacher uses incorrect grammar and i get to point it out.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Physical Education.

So in PE lately we've been playing softball, which of course (like many sports), I am incapable of playing.

So it's been difficult. I've hit a few balls that have rolled on the ground, but other then that, not much. One time i did hit a home run.

Well, almost anyway.

I guess there are some pluses to the softball being softer then a baseball, and smaller (therefore it is easier to avoid when it hurtles toward your head), because I'm not all that coordinated.

Sunday, September 19, 2010


So, in history we are learning lots and lots of things. For example, this year we are covering world war 1 and 2. World war two has the Holocaust, which is probably one of my favorite things to learn about. Not just because I'm Jewish, but because there is so much good literature and stuff written about it, and its super interesting. But as of right now, we are learning about "Early Explorers."

If it's not beyond obvious, this is a SUPER BORING subject.

I don't see how this will ever help us in life. For example, If I were to be in a burning building, and I suddenly yelled out "COLUMBUS SAILED OVER TO AMERICA IN 1492!" I would probably inhale a lot of smoke and die. But if I used some other helpful subject like Science to figure out that water puts out fire, or Math to calculate if I could make it if I jumped out of the window to safety, or English so that I could read the sign that said "Fire Escape" or PE to run out of the building, etc. I cannot see a time i would ever need history, except if I became a history teacher, or a historian. I do not think I will be either of those, though.

Science may help me in a burning building, but I don't really care about the moon and stars and stuff, which is what we're learning about right now. Although my science class is kinda fun.




Even better, my lab partner has a British Accent, so when he gets mad at me for messing up his experiments, he gets mad IN A BRITISH ACCENT.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Cooking and blogging: The perfect mix for life.

How to make Spinach soup, the Sabrina way!

(This recipe is from The Vegetarian Epicure)

You will need:
-Two quarts of water
-Two bunches of spinach
-Two potatoes
-About two bunches of green onions
-Two teaspoons of lemon juice (more may be needed, if you like it more sour)
-1 and 1/2 cups of Sour creme (More may be needed, if you like it with more sour creme)

Get two quarts of water. Make sure they are exact. (Apparently you must set them on the counter to make sure they are exact. If you decide you are too cool to set it on the counter, don't be surprised when your soup burns.) Then pour the water into a huge soup pot. Heat up the water.
Get two bunches of spinach (THIS IS A LOT OF SPINACH, MAN.) and clean it. WELL. when you take it out you will notice the water looks a bit like pee, feel free to be grossed out as long as necessary.
Take the stems off the spinach. (If this takes a huge amount of time, call your mom and ask her to help you.)
Cut 3/4 of green onions into little green onions.
Peel the potatoes. Feel free to laugh maniacally as you do so. Try phrases like "HAHA PUNY POTATO. I AM YOUR MASTER. COWER BEFORE ME." etc.

Dice the potatoes into 1/2 inch potatoes.
Throw half of the green onions, all of the potatoes, and all of the spinach into a huge pot. Let it simmer for an hour (While it's simmering is a good time to blog.) Stir about every few minutes. Add salt and pepper to taste.
After simmering, you will notice that the potatoes and spinnach have become smaller. This is normal. I know it is extremely cool, but you can't just sit and admire it. You must get on with the recipe. Now, put in the other half of the green onions.
Take 1 and 1/2 cups of sour creme and put it into a bowl. Then take 1 cup of the broth (not the soup, just the broth!!! Don't let that spinach slip past you!!!) and put the broth in the bowl with the sour creme.
Whisk the sour creme and broth.
Pour the broth/sour creme mixture into the pot with the rest of the soup and stir it in.
put in 2 teaspoons of lemon juice. Stir.
Let it simmer AGAIN for ANOTHER hour. Be careful, now that there is creme in it, you have to be even more careful of it burning. Stir every one to two minutes. (You need to check it more often, so this is not a good time to create a full blog. Tweet instead. Tweets are much faster and smaller.)

This is where you can add more lemon juice, sour creme, salt or pepper if needed.
ENJOY! I served this soup with a nice side of peanut noodles (with no meat) and it was a nice combination. This soup serves six.


It's 8th grade so your eighth grade picture is like, possibly, the most important thing ever. Because, you will be remembered as that picture for your entire high-school career. So, I got my picture taken. and... well...

The lady saw my distress when i looked at my picture and asked if I wanted to take it again. I said yes, and she retook it. It was a little less awful.


It's still pretty bad.

So anyways, the lady was like "Do you wanna retake it again?" But i said no. Because no matter how many times she clicked the camera, my face wasn't gonna change. So, I would just have to bare with it.

Everyone was looking at each others cards, so I realized i better hide mine so nobody would see.

(Pssst, it's in her mouth.)

Gimme a stick, man.

At school we're not allowed to chew gum, because people end up sticking it under desks and chairs and spitting it on the ground for poor little 6th graders to get stuck in.

(Yes, I imagine all sixth graders to be small and have pigtails that their mom probably did for them. Especially on the first day of school.)

Some teachers are cool and let you chew gum, as long as they don't "See it, or hear it." and if you tell another teacher or the principal that your teacher let you have gum, the teacher denies it.

But in most cases, the teachers yell at you and send you to the office if they see gum in your mouth. So when you chew gum, you have to be careful. I imagine it's almost like dealing drugs.

And if by some horrible luck you DO get caught, there's only one chance for you. You must swallow it.

The look on my face means I've reached nirvana.

if you're wondering what I've been up to, the answer is not much. I was planning to hang out with my friends, but apparently they all have LIVES or something useless like that, so here I am, on my own, blogging about how weird I am.

Then again, I'm sitting on my couch in the middle of my two story house with my own Macbook laptop and my own blog. I'm doing better then like, 87% of the world.

Yes, you would think that sitting in the dark with only your laptop for a companion, you would become very pale from lack of sun. HA that's where your WRONG. I am already very pale, because all of my ancestors are from pale land. So, I'm the palest person I know. I don't think i could GET any paler. If i got any paler, i would stop traffic. Well, i would stop more traffic then usual.

(I didn't really get the look on my face in this picture. I was going for just having my eyes closed, but now it looks like I've reached enlightenment.)

Hitler moustache: The craziest of them all.

Hi frnds, u no wat rly bugs me? whn ppl typ lyk this. Th web is tking away th use 4 vwls in r speech.

Yea. It's true. I'm a teenage blogger yet I HATE when people use incorrect grammar. How weird.

So like I was saying, I hate when people use "Text Speak." I mean, when I chat on facebook i throw in a few lols and rofls and OMGLOLROFLCOPTERs and some other creative acronyms, but I still try to type out full words.

I can understand when people used to text like that because you could only use a certain amount of characters, and then you were charged more if you went over the limit. Same with twitter, your only allowed 140 characters. But, when you have a full data plan with unlimited texts, and a phone with a full keyboard, can't you spare a few vowels?

Friday, September 17, 2010

This song is very overplayed.

What must go through every vegans head:

(That was a reference to the song Airplanes by B.O.B, a song that is long overplayed.)

Going veggie isn't for everyone.

So, as you may or may not know, I am a veggie (or vegetarian as all of you who are not cool cats like me might call it.) But being veggie isn't for everyone.

The other day I was talking to my friend, and I gave her a picture of a really cute pig, and i was like "See? THIS is why I'm vegetarian! This pig is FAR too cute to eat!"

and she said: "I bet it would look even cuter inside a bun."

And i have to admit, the past few days meat and other things that are not vegetarian (THIS MEANS YOU, YOGURT!!!!) have been calling out to me.


(FYI: the reason for the veggie-ness is because my teacher is making us do a project for the semester of something we have never done and is "out of our comfort zone". I chose being a veggie. I have to be a veggie for the semester, and I am going to try to be a veggie for even longer.)

Wow, that almost makes me wish I had a life.

(Yea, it's badly drawn, but they're holding cell phones, okay!?)

So my friend just sent me a text saying: "So like i said, I'm here in San Diego! I just went swimming! It was awesome and the pool was big and pretty and there was nobody else there so my dad put the on in the hot-tub and it was so fun! There are two rooms in the hotel and i get the one with the kitchen and the couch turns into a bed and so the TV is all mine! And now were going out for dinner!"
I never know how to respond to these things without sounding jealous or spiteful, so I just said "Cool!" (I was going to put two exclamation marks, but that seemed tacky so I left it at one.)