That, and I have not done anything really exciting.
Well, two of my friends are dating, which I guess is cool. For them, at least.

Also, in science my lab partner asked if he could borrow my pencil, so I said okay.

Then he broke it. My only pencil. Then, I told him to put it back together, so he tried, but the two pieces of the mechanical pencil wouldn't stay together. He asked if he could keep it, so I was like "Umm sure." because, what can one do with a broken mechanical pencil?

A lot, apparently.
He learned that if he puts on piece in the other, and blows into the end that lead usually comes out of, the top part of the pencil will fly across the room.

Then the pen piece hit someone and they were like "WHO DID THAT!?!" and my WONDERFUL Lab partner said "IT'S SABRINA'S PENCIL."
The moral of this story? Never lend things to others.
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