Saturday, January 26, 2013

Don't feed me your lies.

Let me start this little rant by letting you know, I do not ditch people. When I say that I am going to hang out with you, I do. If you invite me somewhere and I'm not sure if I can make it, I decline your offer until I check my calendar, etc.

I am a good person.

ANYWAY, recently my friends asked me to hang out.

IT'S TRUE. She fed me her lies of hanging out, and I TOOK THEM. We were supposed to hang out at her friend's house, who I had only met once. He seemed nice enough, and they had been friends forever. LITTLE DID I KNOW, she was about to make me the most uncomfortable I'd ever been.
I texted her once I arrived at his house. I was a little late because I'm not good at following directions, and also because I was hoping she would arrive before me. I barely knew this kid, and I thought it would be a little weird if an almost stranger came to his house, alone.

She quickly texted me back.

WELL PLAYED. She'd set me up on a date. Being the socially awkward person I am, I knew this wasn't going to end well.

Needless to say I was uncomfortable. 

I've hung out with guys before, but they've always been my friends. This kid was practically a stranger. I'd known him for almost an hour before today. I wasn't prepared to be set up by my SO CALLED friend.

I decided to do what I always do in any awkward situation, and suggest we watch a movie.

This way I can stare at a glowing rectangle for 2 hours and we won't have to talk. 

Unless your this kid, of course.
and the whole time I sat there thinking to myself:

Eventually I just looked at my phone and said "OH! My mom just texted me. I need to go." even though she hadn't.

And that's why, if you're going to hang out with me, you should SHOW UP.

Monday, July 9, 2012

The dating game.

So essentially all of my friends are/have been dating someone.

And all they wanna do is tell me about how great their girlfriend/boyfriend is, while I'm over here in lonely town, population: 1.

I get it. Your girlfriend is pretty, and your boyfriend is funny. You can be quiet now.

Anyways, recently one of my friend's relationships went downhill. She wanted to break up with him, but she wasn't sure how. She's really shy and nervous, so it went down something like this:

Basically she couldn't bring herself to say that is wasn't working out, because she didn't want to hurt his feelings.
So, she went with the first thing that popped into her head.

In some alternate universe that might of made him feel better than her just breaking up with him, but not this one. Telling a guy he turned you into a lesbian isn't exactly the most face-saving way to go.

Luckily I was lurking in the shadows when this happened because she had asked me to come along earlier in case she started crying or something. Also, I'm just great at lurking.

So, overhearing the awful mistake my friend made, I ran up and proceded to break up with her boyfriend for her.

I basically gave him to old, "She feels uncomfortable with this relationship... blah blah... she thinks it's time you both moved on...blah blah blah... she's feels this is moving too fast... blah."

I also made sure to mention that she is, in fact, not a lesbian and just a coward but that didn't stop him from spreading rumors that she is a lesbian.

I can't say she didn't deserve it.

THIS terrible problem of mine.

I have this terrible problem where sometimes I like to start things and then not finish or continue them. BUT I'm back. For now anyway. So, my 4 followers and 850+ page viewers, REJOICE.

I'm really just lonely

(Did you miss this terrible drawing ability?)

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Harry Potter

I really really really really wanted to go to the Harry Potter premiere. It was going to be an epic expirience. I was thinking that it would be amazing and fun, and I could go with my friends who were going. But one thing stood in my way.
I told her I really needed to go

but she just wouldn't budge.

So I sat at my house and moped around while I read the facebook posts of all my friends going to the harry potter premiere. They all sounded so happy. They felt the happiness I shall never feel.

And that is all I have to say about that.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Sports will be sports.

When playing football, there are those people who couldn't play football to save their life.

There are those people who are amazing at football.

I'm probably one of those first people I mentioned

But, on rare occasion, I do catch the ball.

But I usually forget to run.

I don't like football.


So, I bought one of the vegetarian salads, but it was small so I decided to get some icecream.

I went to the icecream line but turns out there was NO ICE CREAM THAT DAY.

So, no big deal. No. Big. Deal. Trying to keep calm I decided to go get some fruit snacks. Fruitsnacks are good too, right? right. Who needs icecream. Not me. I'll go get some fruitsnacks.

So, I went to the line, and said "Hi, could I get some fruit snacks?"
"Sorry." said the lady. "All out."
"Ohh..." No fruitsnacks?!!? WHAT IS THIS!?!??! I calmed myself down. ITS FINE ITS FINE CALM DOWN. CHEETOS! I'll get cheetos!! Cheetos!!
"Can I get some cheetos?"
"All out of the cheesy ones."
NO CHEESE CHEETOS? Breathe, breathe, keep calm. "What about the hot spicy cheetos?"
"All outta those, too."
I started to hyperventilate. "What DO you have?"
"We have lays."
Lays? Just plain old BLAND lays? "fine." I mumbled. "Just gimme some lays."

So, then I walked back to my table glumly and sat down. Then, my friends were all "Can I have some lays?" and they TOOK my lays without even ASKING. Those fatties.

This post is kind of ranty, I know. My friends aren't COMPLETE fatties. All of the time.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Epicness is my middle name.

The other day, I went to something after school, and left my backpack at school.

Now, whenever I lose something, or forget something somewhere, I feel this sense of total urgency and extreme panic. Then the adrenaline rush kicks in.

So, when I told my mom that my backpack was still at school with my laptop in it, she sighed, "Okay, we'll go get it."

So, I ran to the car, while my mom took her time getting her keys, getting her purse, and then she got in the car. "Wait! I forgot my Nook." So then she went back while I sat bouncing in my seat panicking.

When she came back she said "If you're going to go and search for your backpack, I'm going to need something to do." Then she started the car and we left for my school.

I first ran to the office. When I say ran, I mean I sprinted as fast as I could. Then I knocked on the office door, but I didn't think anyone heard me because the only person I saw was in the back of the office. So I knocked as hard as I could and as loud as I could.

Then the principal came to my aid.

He told me that the gym was still open (that's where I left my backpack.) So I said a quick "Thank you" and ran as fast as I could over to gym.There were some birds, squirrels, and other animals in the lunch area (probably eating all the scraps left behind) so I ran right through them, and they all scattered. It would of been epic for a music video.

Anyway, I found my backpack and it was fine, and then I went home.

The end.